Electric wiring

The electrical wiring in your home is the most important part of your electrical system. Aluminum & Copper Wiring Methods in a Homes. We have the most qualified personels to do this job for you. Our team of Experts make sure that you get the best and very safe services. We provide installation as well maintenance and upgradation services.

Types of wiring

One Phase Wiring

With a single-phase system it is easier to balance the electrical loads of the network. A single alternating current is supplied through a single wire. This system usually have three-wire single-phase distribution. Our team of professionals will help you to set a best and a very safe wiring system in your homes.

Three Phase Wiring

Three phase system consists of three conductors unlike single conductor in single phase system excluding neutral conductor. In addition to the three phases, additional neutral conductor is required for three-phase four wire system. Three-phase systems can be three-phase three wire or three-phase four wire systems. Our team of professionals will help you to set a best and a very safe wiring system in your homes and offices.

Services We Offer:

1) Wire Instalaltion Services

2) Wire maintenance Services

3) Wire Upgradation Services

For more information on our Electric wiring services, get in contact with us today.

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